



  • 打开自动操作
  • 新建应用程序
  • 切换实用工具
  • 运行AppleScript
  • 贴代码


on run {input, parameters}

tell application "Finder"

set pathList to (quoted form of POSIX path of (folder of the front window as alias))

set command to "clear; cd " & pathList

end tell

tell application "System Events"

# some versions might identify as "iTerm2" instead of "iTerm"

set isRunning to (exists (processes where name is "iTerm")) or (exists (processes where name is "iTerm2"))

end tell

tell application "iTerm"


set hasNoWindows to ((count of windows) is 0)

if isRunning and hasNoWindows then

create window with default profile

end if

select first window

tell the first window

if isRunning and hasNoWindows is false then

create window with default profile

end if

tell current session to write text command

end tell

end tell

end run
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